You don’t have to wait until college to start earning college credit. With the cost of college going through the roof some high school students are earning college credit while in high school.
Not every high school offers every one of these programs but college credits can be earned by taking Advanced Placement classes, participating in dual enrollment classes, taking College Level Exams or participating in summer school programs.
Many colleges and universities will give students college level credit if they earn a high score on an Advanced Placement exams. Earning a 4 or 5 (1 – 5 range) often is enough for a student to skip an introductory level college course and earn college credit. Summer School programs at some colleges and universities offer specific credit earning courses to high school students. Taking Dual Enrollment courses in high school is another way to earn credit. Many high schools participate in a partnership with community colleges or local colleges and universities. These college level courses are taught by professors on high school campuses, at the college or even online. Some 2,900 colleges and universities participate in these programs. Check out if your school participates in one.
If none of these are available to you and but have taken college level courses consider taking College Level Exams in the CLEP program offered by College Board. The $89 cost of the exam ( plus test center fee) is significantly less than the price of a college course and will save you hundreds of hours.
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